Talk, Talk, Talk

By Robin Rhee

Everybody does it. They talk.

Verbal and written exchanges play many different roles on a variety of levels throughout our lifetimes.

Most people gab, yak, chew the fat and chat with their families and friends.

Those who talk incessantly on their cell phones while riding on public transportation, in restaurants, and while walking from place to place may be called 'chatterboxes.'

Should those who tweet about anything and everything be called 'tweeterboxes'? Maybe.

A couple in love may exchange sweet nothings, but their relationship will sour rapidly if one of them begins to complain, nitpick and nag.

Some individuals gossip.

They make it their business to know everything and report everything. They are blabbermouths.

Henry David Thoreau once wrote, 'When our life ceases to be inward and private, conversation degenerates into mere gossip.'

Spiteful gossip spreads rumors which damage the reputations of their targets beyond repair

Some criminals rat out their partners in crime in exchange for immunity or a shorter prison sentence.

It is risky to share your innermost secrets, even with your closest friends. Benjamin Franklin put it this way: 'Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.


A significant number of people tell fibs and little white lies, most of which are harmless. Habitual liars talk out of both sides of their mouths and speak with forked tongues.

Since they can't keep all of their tall tales straight, most will get caught in their own lies.

Politicians, it is often said, flap their gums, talk to hear themselves talk, and rant and rave against their opponents in an attempt...

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